All Welcome
Join us for our Walk for a Life – to remember those we have lost to suicide, raise awareness, and encourage and empower people in Somerset to take action to prevent suicide.
All day event: 11.00 – 15.00 Join us at Stragglers Coffee House post walk to take part in various activities as part of the Walk for a Life event in association with:
- Open Mental Health (Crisis Safe Space)
- Mind (Mindline, Mindline Trans +, Time to Connect)
- Somerset Suicide Bereavement Support Service
- The Reader
- Stepladder
- Healthwatch
- Somerset Recovery College
- Public Health
- Young Somerset
- 2BU (awaiting confirmation)
- SDAS (awaiting confirmation)
Activities on the day
Shared reading Information from local services
Sign up for Suicide awareness training
Find out more about the new Orange Button Community Suicide Awareness Scheme
“Human Library”
Art Exhibition from students at Somerset Recovery College
Display of new Somerset Book of Hope
Refreshments available to purchase
Posters to download
Walk for a life – Poster A4 V2 (PDF)
Walk for a life – Social Media (JPG)